TAO (That's what we call ourselves!) exists to empower children in Haiti, locally, and around the world by connecting our community with their communities.
Our first priority is to build long-term relationships with the staff and children we serve. We do this by taking regular trips (privately funded) to connect face-to-face and determine how we can best come alongside them in the work they are doing.
Our Mission
So this is who we are: A bunch of people who love Jesus, and love to serve vulnerable children at home and around the world. We meet the needs of the whole child as much as possible, by connecting them with people in our community and lending our resources and gifts to do big things, a little at a time.
“Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.
Connecting local community members with local agencies working in the community, including the Salinas Family Resource Center, the Salinas Warming Shelter, and a local women’s shelter
Delivering weekly groceries to 50 local families.
Providing weekly homework assistance at the Salinas Warming Shelter and a local women’s shelter
Sending homeless children to summer camp
Providing 100’s of jackets, blankets and everyday essentials to the Salinas Warming Shelter, a local women’s shelter, Dorothy’s Place and families.
Facilitating book studies on When Helping Hurts, Toxic Charity, Detox Charity, and Bridges out of Poverty for local non-profit leaders and volunteers that serve vulnerable people
Sponsoring 28 tenth-grade students at Lifesong Christian School in Bercy, Haiti
Providing school supplies to over 100 students at Lifesong Christian School
Sending three vulnerable students to college in Bercy, Haiti
Hiring a Haitian national Sponsorship Coordinator in Bercy, Haiti
Regularly sending teams to Haiti to continue ongoing relationships with the students, staff, and missionaries (funded privately)
Funding a start-up business for an orphan in South Sudan, Africa
Providing children’s reading books to Elizabeth’s Library International in Zambia and Zimbabwe, Africa